Supporting Flight Excellence

Hixson Metal Finishing (“HMF”) is a premier metal finishing company with a vision rooted in excellence, integrity, and accountability.


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Anodizing is an electrolytic process used to increase the thickness of the natural oxide layer on the surface of metal parts.

aerospace_metal_finishing_processing_vacuum_cadmium _plating _type_I_II_III


Plating is a process in which an ionic metal is deposited onto a conductive surface to form a non-ionic coating.


Hixson offers a wide variety of aerospace and defense painting applications, and has multiple paint booths and curing ovens for high-volume efficiency.


Non-Destructive Testing

Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) is a group of analysis techniques used to evaluate the properties of a material, component, or system without causing damage.


Chem Film

Chemical Conversion Coating, also known as Chemfilm, is a coating process that applies chromate to the metal substrate, primarily aluminum.


Special Processes

Hixson Metal Finishing offers a variety of special processes. We have the ability to add new processes to our business based upon our customer’s requirements.

A New Hixson Metal Finishing

Environmental Stewardship

  • State of the art air pollution control equipment
  • BACT (Best Availabe Control Technology)
  • ULPA filtration with over 99.999% efficiency
  • Exceeding all air quality standards and best practices

Making an Impact Across the Globe

We provide best-in-class service to both small shops and industry leading companies, such as Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and Parker Hannifin. Our attention to detail assures that the Hixson team will work diligently to make our customer’s experience with us rewarding.

Reach Us

With hundreds of years of collective metal finishing experience our leadership team and employees are among the most qualified and committed in the industry.

829 Production Place
Newport Beach, CA 92663

(800) 900-9798

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